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Ammonium Sulphate, One of the Most Practical Nitrogen Fertilisers to Use

Ammonium Sulphate, One of the Most Practical Nitrogen Fertilisers to Use Dec. 08, 2023

Ammonium Sulphate, One of the Most Practical Nitrogen Fertilisers to Use

Ammonium sulphate is not just a fertiliser used in agriculture.
It is an industrial component also used as a flocculant, which is a substance that encourages flocculation, i.e. the combination or aggregation of suspended solid particles.
The flocculation process involves destabilising colloidal particles by adding the flocculant.

It also has all these industrial applications:

Acid solution purifier.

Glyphosate enhancer.

Flame retardant.

Food additive.

Protein purification through fractional precipitation.



Ammonium sulphate is a salt formed by the reaction between Ammonia and Sulphuric acid. Commercially, it can be found in white to beige crystals or granules.
Its content is as follows:

21% Nitrogen

60% Sulphur


It is the most accessible source of low-concentration Nitrogen, is widely used in agriculture, and is also a relevant component in the production of balanced fertilisation formulas.
It is widely applied directly to the soil as a single product
, is an excellent source of fertilisation
in crops which extract large quantities of sulphur from the soil,
such as forage crops, vegetables (cruciferous vegetables, onions and garlic), cereals (wheat and barley) and grasses (maize, sorghum and sugar cane), among others.

It mainly contains Ammonium (NH
4+) and Sulphate (SO
4-2), and it is an acid pH product that is recommended for application in limestone and alkaline soils due to its strong acidifying effect.
Its use as a fertiliser is due to the fact that the need for sulphur is closely related to the amount of nitrogen available for the plant. Therefore, Ammonium Sulphate provides a balanced supply of both nutrients.

In conventional agriculture, it is still used en masse, especially for less profitable crops and as an important source of Nitrogen accompanied by Sulphur, a precursor in its assimilation.
It is therefore not an organic fertiliser, as its process is obtained through synthetic transformations and, as such, is not covered by European organic farming regulations.

In the field, it is known as a good fertiliser used in both extensive and intensive crops with a dual action, as it provides two macronutrients added to its Sulphur content that promotes the physical and chemical conditions of the crop soils.


Optimising the dose and application to crops in the soil, Ammonium Sulphate is a very good source of supply of this element, and is easy to mix and use.
The form of Ammonium is usually quickly assimilated by crops, although in large volumes it can become phytotoxic to the plant.
In fact, in hydroponics, its use is limited to a maximum of 15-20% of the total fraction of Nitrogen, the remaining being 80-85% Nitric Nitrogen.

Inorganic soil sulphur is absorbed by plants mainly as anion Sulphate and, due to its negative charge, it is not attracted by soil clays and inorganic colloids;
Sulphur remains in the soil solution, moving with the water flow and, therefore, is easily leachable
. In some soils, this leaching accumulates Sulphur in the subsoil, making it usable by deep-rooted crops.
The risk of leaching is higher in sandy soils than in clay-textured soils.

Soils with low organic matter content (<2%) commonly have Sulphur deficiencies, and every one percent of organic matter releases approximately 6 kg of it per ha per year.

In plants, Nitrogen and Sulphur have a very close relationship in their nutritional role.
This is because both nutrients are constituents of the 5 proteins (amino acids) and are associated with the formation of chlorophyll (involved in the photosynthesis process).



The obtaining of Ammonium Sulphate as an industrial product is the transformation of Gaseous Ammonia (NH3), mixed with water vapour to create saturation, and the incorporation of Sulphuric Acid.

This controlled reaction is transformed into the mixture of Sulphur (SO4) and Ammonium (NH4), which, because it is attacked with an acid, one more Hydrogen (H) is added to the formula.



All the Nitrogen in this fertiliser is presented in ammoniacal form.
Although it is highly digestible by the plant, it should preferably be absorbed in nitric form.

Its behaviour in soil is good and, because it has a positive charge, it is fixed in the clay-humus complex and does not leach so much to deep fields (as the nitric form does).

The presence of nitrifying microorganisms (nitrobacter and nitrosomonas, among others) facilitates its transformation to nitric.
As it has an acid reaction, it is used to acidify soils with an alkaline pH and a high presence of non-soluble Calciums and Magnesiums.
In addition, the Sulphur incorporated into the fertiliser improves the availability of Nitrogen and has a synergistic effect in its assimilation.



Powdered Ammonium Sulphate: Its presentation is in solid form, but in easily soluble powder.
Its application is very frequent and is suitable to prepare liquid solutions in Fertirrigation.
Because it is highly soluble, this fertiliser must always be applied as top dressing, i.e. when we already have crops planted.

Liquid Ammonium Sulphate: This is highly soluble, but less so than other fertilisers such as Ammonium Nitrate.
There are cases in which farmers prefer to work with already soluble liquid formulas of Ammonium Sulphate.
A concentrated formula would be to dilute up to 40% of the fertiliser for a Nitrogen concentration of 8.4% w/w and Sulphur concentration (SO3) of 24% w/w

Granulated ammonium sulphate: Its main characteristic is that it is slowly soluble and used in pre-seeding or in tree crops.
When water cannot be incorporated through fertirrigation (period of rainfall or puddling).
It contains the same richness as any other formula, and its contribution to crops such as almond, olive or fruit trees is quite common, especially at the time of budding and the development of new leaves.



It is a cheap source of nutrients.

It allows for more uniform solid mixtures with other granulated products.

It is very versatile in its application, both in time (spring, summer, etc.) and in soil types.

It supports rapid growth, crop yield and profitability.

It is very environment-friendly, protecting aquifer environments and reducing nitrate washing losses.

It increases the availability of phosphorus and increases the availability of micronutrients.

It especially enhances soils with an alkaline pH or calcareous soils.



If the correct dose is applied, it provides an optimal nutritional source, which is very easy to mix and use.

In hydroponic crops, its use is limited to a maximum of 15-20% of the total fraction of Nitrogen, the remaining being Nitric Nitrogen.

Its process is obtained through synthesis transformations and, as such, is not covered by European organic farming regulations.

The form of Ammonium is quickly assimilated by each crop, although in large volumes it can become phytotoxic to the plant.



There are three types of application of ammonium sulphate:

Surface: Distributed over the surface, broadcasted and in strips.

Via irrigation water: Its high solubility allows it to be used for fertirrigation.

Underground: Applied in strips alongside or under the seeds.


Aluminum Manufacturers

What Is Ammonium Sulfate?

The chemical compound ammonium sulfate is primarily used in fertilizers but is important in other industries as well. While it isn’t considered highly hazardous to humans, there are some important precautions to take if you’re using it.

Chemical Properties

Ammonium sulfate, also called diammonium sulfate or sulfuric acid diammonium salt, is a white crystalline solid with no smell. It tastes salty. The compound dissolves easily in water but will not dissolve in alcohol or acetone. It readily absorbs water, so if it’s exposed to moist air, it will “scab” on the damp surfaces. The chemical formula for ammonium sulfate is (NH₄)₂SO₄. When ammonium sulfate reacts with alkaline substances, it gives off ammonia gas. Finally, ammonium sulfate is a fertilizer that’s sometimes used in making homemade explosives.


Use in Fertilizers

Ammonium sulfate is used most commonly as an artificial fertilizer for alkaline soils. When introduced into damp soil, an ammonium ion is released. This creates a small amount of acid, which lowers the pH balance of the soil. It also contributes nitrogen, which aids in plant growth. It dissolves relatively slowly, which makes it cheaper than some other artificial fertilizers. Ammonium sulfate is also used as an herbicide because it will burn the leaves of plants and either kill them outright or at least weaken them for easy removal.

Other Uses

This compound is used in the production of printed circuit boards. It’s also in flame retardant materials because it lowers the combustion temperature and increases the production of residues or chars. Ammonium sulfate activates yeast, so it helps to get industrially produced bread to rise, and it’s also a general-purpose food additive. Finally, it plays an important role in developing vaccines during the purification process. The DTap vaccine, which protects children from diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough, uses ammonium sulfate for this purpose.

Hazards of Use

Ammonium sulfate is potentially dangerous to both people and the environment, so it requires care in its use. It can cause severe irritation and inflammation of the respiratory tract if inhaled. Eating or drinking ammonium sulfate will cause irritation in the gastrointestinal tract like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, although it isn’t toxic unless consumed in large quantities. Contact with the skin or eyes will cause irritation, redness, itching, and pain. It may also be a neurotoxin, meaning it can cause confusion and behavioral changes.

Avoiding Exposure

As with any potentially toxic chemical, it’s important to take safety precautions when using ammonium sulfate. Use ammonium sulfate only in a well-ventilated area or with a personal respirator. Wear chemical safety goggles and/or a full face safety shield if dusting or splashing solutions is possible. Also, wearing boots, gloves, and an apron or coveralls made of an impervious material like PVC will prevent skin contact. Any work area should be outfitted with an eyewash station and emergency shower in case of accidental exposure.

While ammonium sulfate is used as a fertilizer and therefore is readily available, it should not be used lightly. Taking basic precautions will allow you to get the benefits of using ammonium sulfate without putting yourself at risk.

Formula for Ammonium Sulfate


Properties for Ammonium Sulfate
Molar mass: 132.14 g/mol
Density: 1.769 g/cm3 (20 °C)
Melting point: 235 to 280 °C (455 to 536 °F; 508 to 553 K) (decomposes)


What is Ammonium Sulphate Fertilizer?

What is Ammonium Sulphate Fertilizer?

Ammonium sulfate fertilizer contains ammonium, nitrogen and sulfur in the form of sulfate that plants can take. Ammonium sulfate fertilizer has a crystalline structure, it is known as "sugar fertilizer" among farmers. Sulfur in the form of sulfate it contains is in a form to provide the needs of plants completely. As nitrogen is formalized in the form of ammonium, it increases the plant's need for phosphorus intake and provides productivity like all fertilizers applied before planting.
What are the Benefits of Ammonium Sulphate Fertilizer, Known as Sugar Fertilizer?
Economically suitable ammonium sulphate fertilizer also provides fast results after application. Thanks to its sulfur, it facilitates the plant's uptake of nitrogen and provides support to the root, leaves, stem and branches of the plant during development period. It provides efficient products by making the plant resistant to diseases. Depending on the changing weather conditions, it helps the plant to be resistant in cold and hot conditions. It supports flowering and sprouting. It increases the size, hardness and flavor of the products and fruits.

Where is Ammonium Sulphate Fertilizer Used?
It is used very frequently especially in paddy, tea, grain, fruit and vegetable farming. It is the most popular fertilizer of calcareous soils. Ammonium sulfate fertilizer is easily used in the fields of onions, garlic, cauliflower, cabbage, sunflowers and many other crops.

How Should Ammonium Sulphate Fertilizer Be Stored?
Storage of ammonium sulfate is a little easier than other fertilizers. There is no legal regulation on the storage of ammonium sulfate. Ammonium sulfate fertilizer can be stored together with other fertilizers. It is not a problem if it is stored with sodium chloride or ammonium phosphate. Ammonium sulfate fertilizer does not have a special transport vehicle, it can be transported in any vehicle. Gloves must be worn during application, and it must not contact the skin.

What is Potassium Sulphate Fertilizer?
Potassium sulfate fertilizer has a crystalline structure and it easily dissolves in water. Potassium deficiency is observed in agricultural soils with heavy rainfall and in agricultural areas with sandy soil structure. Potassium sulfate fertilizer is needed for such soils. Potassium sulfate fertilizer is a very good source of potassium for plants. 

How to Apply Potassium Sulphate Fertilizer?
Yellowing is observed on the leaf margins of plants with potassium deficiency. Loosening occurs in plants that are under water stress.  Therefore, potassium sulfate fertilizer is applied. Certainly, the type of fertilizer changes the type of application while applying potassium sulfate. It is not recommended to apply potassium sulfate fertilizer through leaves. While foliar application of other potassium fertilizers is possible. It can be applied from the leaves by sprinkling on the plant roots and by spraying. It is recommended to use gloves to prevent skin contact.

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